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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Home Remedies, Arts and Crafts!

Did You Know!

Wow, Some interesting stuff here! 

1. Budweiser beer conditions the hair
2. Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish
3. Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 minutes
4. Mayonnaise will KILL LICE, it will also condition your hair
5. Elmer's Glue - paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads if any.
6. Shiny Hair - use brewed Lipton Tea
7. Sunburn - empty a large jar of Nestea into your bath water
8. Minor burn - Colgate or Crest toothpaste
9. Burn your tongue? Put sugar on it!
10. Arthritis? WD-40 Spray and rub in, kill insect stings too
11 Bee stings - meat tenderizer
12. Chigger bite - Preparation H
13. Puffy eyes - Preparation H
14. Paper cut - crazy glue or chap stick (glue is used instead of sutures at most hospitals)
15. Stinky feet - Jello
16. Athletes feet - cornstarch
17. Fungus on toenails or fingernails - Vicks vapor rub
18. Kool aid to clean dishwasher pipes. Just put in the detergent section and run a cycle, it will also clean a toilet. (Wow, and we drink this stuff)
19. Kool Aid can be used as a dye in paint also Kool Aid in Dannon plain yogurt as a finger paint, your kids will love it and it won't hurt them if they eat it!
20. Peanut butter - will get scratches out of CD's! Wipe off with a coffee filter paper
21. Sticking bicycle chain - Pam no-stick cooking spray
22. Pam will also remove paint, and grease from your hands! Keep a can in your garage for your hubby
23. Peanut butter will remove ink from the face of dolls
24. When the doll clothes are hard to put on, sprinkle with corn starch and watch them slide on
25. Heavy dandruff - pour on the vinegar !
26. Body paint - Crisco mixed with food coloring. Heat the Crisco in the microwave, pour in to an empty film container and mix with the food color of your choice!
27 Tie Dye T-shirt - mix a solution of Kool Aid in a container, tie a rubber band around a section of the T-shirt and soak
28. Preserving a newspaper clipping - large bottle of club soda and cup of milk of magnesia , soak for 20 min. and let dry, will last for many years!
29. A Slinky will hold toast and CD's!
30. To keep goggles and glasses from fogging, coat with Colgate toothpaste
31. Wine stains, pour on the Morton salt and watch it absorb into the salt.
32. To remove wax - Take a paper towel and iron it over the wax stain, it will absorb into the towel.
33. Remove labels off glassware etc. rub with Peanut butter!
34. Baked on food - fill container with water, get a Bounce paper softener and the static from the Bounce towel will cause the baked on food to adhere to it. Soak overnight. Also; you can use 2 Efferdent tablets , soak overnight!
35. Crayon on the wall - Colgate toothpaste and brush it!
36.. Dirty grout - Listerine
37. Stains on clothes - Colgate toothpaste
38. Grass stains - Karo Syrup
39. Grease Stains - Coca Cola , it will also remove grease stains from the driveway overnight. We know it will take corrosion from car batteries!
40. Fleas in your carpet? 20 Mule Team Borax- sprinkle and let stand for 24 hours. Maybe this will work if you get them back again.
41. To keep FRESH FLOWERS longer Add a little Clorox , or 2 Bayer aspirin , or just use 7-up instead of water.
42. Gatorade is good for Migraine Headaches (PowerAde won't work)
43. When you go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever wondered which is the freshest, so you 'squeeze' for freshness or softness? Did you know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week? Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each day has a different color twist tie.
They are:

Monday = Blue,
Tuesday = Green,
Thursday = Red
Friday = White
Saturday = Yellow.

So if today was Thursday, you would want red twist tie; not white which is Fridays (almost a week old)! The colors go alphabetically by color Blue- Green - Red - White - Yellow, Monday through Saturday. Very easy to remember. I thought this was interesting. I looked in the grocery store and the bread wrappers DO have different twist ties, and even the ones with the plastic clips have different colors. You learn something new everyday! Enjoy fresh bread when you buy bread with the right color on the day you are shopping.

Pass this information on to friends so they can be informed.

Reflexology Hand Chart

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fourth of July 2013

Patriotic Marshmallow Pops


lollipop sticks
PHILADELPHIA Snack Delights milk chocolate cream cheese spread
red, white and blue sprinkles


Insert lollipop stick into marshmallow. Dip into PHILADELPHIA Snack Delights milk chocolate cream cheese spread. Roll op into sprinkles.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Brain teasers for kids and adults. Let's do Riddles!

Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
A: A candle.

Q: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What color were the stairs?
A: There weren’t any stairs, it was a one story house.

Q: What has hands but can not clap?
A: A clock.

Q: A house has 4 walls. All of the walls are facing south, and a bear is circling the house. What color is the bear?
A: The house is on the north pole, so the bear is white.

Q: What is at the end of a rainbow?
A: The letter W.

Q: What starts with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends in “t”?
A: A teapot

Q: A girl is sitting in a house at night that has no lights on at all. There is no lamp, no candle, nothing. Yet she is reading. How?
A: The woman is blind and is reading braille.

Q: You walk into a room with a match, a karosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. Which do you light first?
A: The match.

Q: What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
A: A Towel.

Q: You draw a line. Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?
A: You draw a shorter line next to it, and it becomes the longer line.
Q: Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
A: Neither, they both weigh one pound.

Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All 12 months.

Q: Name four days of the week that start with the letter "t"?
A: Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.

Q: A train leaves from Halifax, Nova Scotia heading towards Vancouver, British Columbia at 120 km/h. Three hours later, a train leaves Vancouver heading towards Halifax at 180 km/h. Assume there's exactly 6000 kilometers between Vancouver and Halifax. When they meet, which train is closer to Halifax?
A: Both trains would be at the same spot when they meet therefore they are both equally close to Halifax.

Q: What goes around and around the wood but never goes into the wood?
A: The bark on a tree.

Q: Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat, everyone ate one burger, yet only three burgers were eaten in all. How is this possible?
A: They were a grandmother, mother and daughter.

Q: A man was outside taking a walk, when it started to rain. The man didn't have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?
A: The man was bald.

Q: A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days, then leves on Friday. How did he do it?
A: His horse's name was Friday.

Q: You walk across a bridge and you see a boat full of people yet there isn't a single person on board. How is that possible?
A: All the people on the boat are married.

Q: A boy was rushed to the hospital emergency room. The ER doctor saw the boy and said, "I cannot operate on this boy. He is my son." But the doctor was not the boy's father. How could that be?
A: The doctor was his mom.

Q: What can run but can't walk?
A: A drop of water.

Q: How far can a dog run into the woods?
A: The dog can run into the woods only to the half of the wood – than it would run out of the woods.
Q: If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have?
A: If you take 2 apples, than you have of course 2.

Q: Beth’s mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, the other one is Sara. What is the name of the third daughter?
A: Beth.

Q: You have a 5 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket with as much water as you need, but no other measuring devices. Fill the 5 gallon bucket with exactly 4 gallons of water.
A: Fill the 5 gallon bucket all the way up. Pour it into the 3 gallon bucket until it is full. Empty the 3 gallon bucket. Pour the remaining 2 gallons into the 3 gallon bucket. Fill the 5 gallon bucket all the way up. Finish filling the 3 gallon bucket.

Q: What's full of holes but still holds water?
A: A sponge.

Q: If an electric train is going east at 60 miles an hour and there is a strong westerly wind, which way does the smoke from the train drift?
A: There is no smoke coming from electric trains.

Q: Say Racecar backwards.
A: ‘Racecar backwards’

Q: What do the numbers 11, 69, and 88 all have in common?
A: The read the same right side up and upside down.

Q: How can you throw a ball as hard as you can, to only have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything?
A: Throw the ball straight up in the air.

Q: My name is Ruger, I live on a farm. There are four other dogs on the farm with me. Their names are Snowy, Flash, Speedy and Brownie. What do you think the fifth dog's name is?
A: Ruger.

Q: I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What number am I?
A: Seven (take away the ‘s’ and it becomes ‘even’).

Q: What word looks the same backwards and upside down?

Q: A boy fell off a 30 meter ladder but did not get hurt. Why not?
A: He fell off the bottom step.

Q: Using only addition, how do you add eight 8’s and get the number 1000?
A: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.

Q: How do dog catchers get paid?
A: By the pound.

Q: What never asks questions but is often answered?
A: A doorbell.

Q: What belongs to you but other people use it more than you?
A: Your name.

Q: I have a large money box, 48 centemeters square and 42 centemeters tall. Roughly how many coins can I place in my empty money box?
A: Just one, after which it will no longer be empty.

Q: What does this mean? I RIGHT I
A: Right between the eyes.

Q: What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
A: Shorter.

Q: Imagine you’re in a room that is filling with water. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?
A: Stop imagining.

Q: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?
A: Footprints.

Q: What two keys can't open any door?
A: A monkey and a donkey.

Q: What invention lets you look right through a wall?
A: A window.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Growing our own vegetables at the top of our roof

We love to eat organic to stay away from harsh chemicals they put on non-organic foods. I know, organic is expensive but look closely on the prices and compare, the prices are pretty much they same  or close enough that you will think twice that you'd rather buy the organic ones than the one with chemicals on it. Safe to eat. So, since we love organic foods we decided why dont we grow our own organic vegetables? And yes, We Did! Our very own roof garden.

The most significant reason to grow your own produce is the price. Take herbs, for example. A pack of herbs from the grocery store can cost anywhere from $3 to $6 and you use the pack for one, maybe two meals. Buying potted herbs, on the other hand, costs $2.50 to $4 and they last for about eight months. Some herbs, like rosemary and thyme, can even last for years. Growing your own herbs can be made cheaper by starting out with seeds, which cost $1 to $2.
Another reason for growing your own is that you can control what goes into your food. You can either be very strict in keeping your produce organic, or use fertilizer and pest control that you approve of. The security of knowing how your food is grown and what is used in the process can be reason enough to grow your own.
Growing your own produce is all the rage nowadays. You may have toyed with the idea of growing your own, but decided that picking up your produce from the grocery was the ideal way. Think again! We've all run into the problem of reaching into our fridge's produce drawers and finding limp or bruised vegetables. You won't have that problem when you can pick them straight from the source and put them in your dinner that night. Produce found in the grocery store is typically picked half ripe, having an effect on its flavor.
The trick to keeping your vegetables healthy and thriving is consistent water and some casual management. It doesn't have to be a time-consuming process. Every once in awhile, take a look at your plants, check the soil to see if it's moist, pull a weed here and there, and if you see a bug just hose it off. Sometimes a little water is all the chemical control you need.

 My Daughter Minx. at her back those are corn and Okra


 These are Malabar Spinach vine


 Sweet basil

 Red bell peppers

 Mixed Lettuces


Our very own Roof Garden!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This week Free Giveaway items!

To enter you must "like" our Facebook page and click "Share" button.
Only who likes and share will be in the drawing. 
Will announce the winner by July 4, 2013.

NWT size 6-12months - baby neutral color. 5 pcs.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Homemade Weed Killer 1 gallon of white vinegar, 1/2 cup salt, Liquid dish soap (any brand), Empty spray bottle. Put salt in the empty spray bottle and fill it the rest of the way up with white vinegar. Add a squirt of liquid dish soap. This solution works best if you use it on a hot day. Spray it on the weeds in the morning, and as it heats up it will do its work. Good to know!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Raw Organic Cacao is the best for our body

Organic Cocoa is derived from the bean of the Cacao Tree, common to South America, and is most well known to be the source of Chocolate.
Its botanical name, Theobroma cacao translates to “ Food of the Gods”, for its known goodness, and was used by the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas.  In Aztec tradition, it was said that the cacao plant was brought to Earth as a gift by a Divine source. The legend states that Quetzalcoatl the good and wise God of wind and life brought with him its seeds that he cultivated in his garden, thus bringing the tree to Earth.
The beans were used as a form of currency exchange and also consumed as a drink called Cacahuatt or Chocolatl, so named after the sound of it being made. “ Choco” when mixing with “atl”, water. Although, it was mainly reserved for Royalty, it was also used by their armies for strength and stamina, celebrations, as well as births and deaths.
Cocoa beans have quantities of Tryptophan and Phenylethylamine, amino acid precursors to protein building, and a neurotransmitter, Anandamide (or the “Bliss” chemical. Ananda, from the Sanskrit word referred to in yogic traditions meaning bliss, joy or happiness). All contribute to the ‘feel good’, happy feeling. They also support the adrenals and help increase focus and awareness. Phenylethylamine is created naturally and released in the brain when we are “In Love”.
Tryptophan is the precursor to Serotonin; which influences moods and sleep. Neurotransmitters are electrochemical communicators to support the nervous and endocrine systems, along with emotional/mental balance.
Phenylalanine forms norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and tyramine and is important for memory, alertness and learning. Also for pain, headaches, arthritic conditions.
Cocoa is remarkably rich in MAGANESIUM (highest in any food), which is good for muscles, bones, nervous system and brain chemistry, and it is a very helpful support for women during times of menstruation and cramping. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and alleviates stress.
Cocoa is also one of the highest plant sources of IRON, which is required for energy metabolism and oxygen carrying via haemoglobin in the blood. It is also a structural component of cytochromes in electron transport. Part of its enzyme and metabolic function is to assist in neurotransmitter synthesis, phagocyte antimicrobial activity, liver detoxification and synthesis of DNA, collagen and bile acids.
Cocoa is also very high in SULPHUR, which is good for strong and healthy skin, hair and nails; a liver detoxifier, and supports healthy pancreas functioning. Some reports say that Cacao is so high in Sulphur that it also supports the detoxification of mercury.
Cocoa is high in CHROMIUM for enhancing the action of Insulin. Balancing the body’s capacity to metabolise and store Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein, and allows for glucose tolerance.
Cocoa has CALCIUM, which is alkalizing, helps with blood, nerve transmission, bones, and muscles. Regulates the heartbeat. Help enzyme systems to produce acetylcholine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Opposite of Magnesium, as it is contraction.
Cocoa has PHOSPHORUS, which is vital to energy production ATP, and it utilizes CHO and fats for energy production and protein synthesis, and production of nucleic acids in DNA/RNA to carry genetic coding for all cells.
There is LIGNIN in Cocoa, which inhibits high blood pressure and cholesterol formation. This thins the blood and reduces platelet aggregation. Also prevents stokes.
Cocoa is low in fat, where as chocolate is higher in fat. It has a good balanced amount of EFA’s increase HDL decrease LDL.
Cocoa contains MONOAMINE OXIDASE Enzyme Inhibitors, which helps to minimize or balance appetite, and it also facilitates youthening and rejuvenation. It is also excellent for skin and hair.
Cocoa has subtle amounts of natural caffeine (not to the same degree as coffee or tea) but mostly Theobromine, an alkaloid stimulant that support the central nervous system, muscle action, heart and kidneys, as well as “mood” improving.  It is helpful in the condition of high blood pressure and also has a diuretic effect.
Cocoa has a chemical called PENTAMER, which may help stop the spread of tumour cells.
Cocoa has 20 times the amount of ANTIOXIDANTS than Red Wine. Also, flavonoids in Cocoa protect cells against damage, especially to the Heart, arteries and veins. However Milk with nullify this protection. Organic raw Cocoa Powder has an ORAC value of 95,500, The Beans 62,100, Red Wine 2,400.
Cocoa has EPICATCHINS and PROCYNANDINS, which make Insulin work better, and stabilizes overall blood sugar.
Cacao Beans/Husks are a curative and preventative of Malaria. It is Anti-HIV. It also promotes stem cell growth.
Cocoa has GLUCIDES, vegetable sugars which are used by the body immediately as brain food and a pancreas stabilizer. The body expends very little energy to extract this for immediate food.
Cacao has OMEGA 6, a polyunsaturated EFA which supports the heart function and reduces cholesterol. Also OMEGA 9, and unsaturated fat which supports the cardiovascular and immune systems.
Cocoa has FIBRE, the cellulose or indigestible part of the cocoa, which help digestion and the elimination processes as it binds to water.
Cocoa has POTASSIUM for cellular and electrical function (electrolytes) within cells, nerve impulses. It is important in cellular biochemical reactions and energy metabolism, synthesis of protein from amino acids in cell + CHO metabolism + glycogen and glucose metabolism and stored in the liver for future energy. Cardiovascular nerve impulses.
Cocoa is high in ZINC for the immune system, and it is a major cofactor in enzyme systems which metabolise protein, carbohydrates and fats, as well as supporting the endocrine system’s hormones, Thyroid function, wound healing, brain, moods and cognitive functions, production of prostaglandins. Reproduction health.
Cocoa has COPPER, which helps to make Hemoglobin and Red Blood Cells, and allows Iron to function in the body. It is also for the health of bones, nerves, blood vessels, immune system and lungs. It is a component of many enzyme systems. It is an antioxidant and wound healer, and promotes collagen production and helps to reduce production of grey hair.
Cocoa also has MANGANESE which is vital for normal bone, cartilage, blood, dopamine and DNA formation, as well as enzyme systems, energy production, and protein and fat metabolism. It helps to form an enzyme called Super-Oxide Dismutase to neutralize free radicals that lead to premature aging and increased cancer risk.
Cocoa has VITAMIN A which is important for vision and eye health, the immune system, the skin, and it is a wound healer as well as an antioxidant and preventative to cancer.
Cocoa has VITAMIN C which is needed for the absorption of Iron. It is stored in and maintains the health of the Pituitary Gland (the conductor of the hormonal orchestra), Adrenal function, the Liver and skeletal muscles. It is needed for the immune system, nerve impulse communication, also for the production of collagen for healthy skin and nails. It breaks down cholesterol and toxic chemicals, helps with the production of bile and hormones, and metabolism of metals. It is also an antioxidant.
Cacao Husks on the Bean are a very good source of VITAMIN D.
VITAMIN E, which is fat-soluble. Mainly antioxidant effects, and prevents the breakdown of other nutrients by oxygen. It stabilises cell membranes especially in active enzymatic sites.
VITAMIN B1 is for cellular production of energy in glucose metabolism, nerves, and synthesis of neurotransmitters.
VITAMIN B2, for energy production and carries the hydrogen for production of ATP. Also needed for cell respiration.
VITAMIN B5, Anti-stress. Helps in adrenal cortex function; production of acetylcholine; to synthesize fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids and porphyrin for the hemoglobin. It also helps prevent the aging process.
VITAMIN B6, supports the production of GABA. Helps in utilization of food to convert to energy and release in glycogen from liver and muscles. Helps antibody and red blood cell production and synthesis of RNA and DNA. Regulates fluids and electrical functioning in the body. Allergy regulator for histamine. Transport amino acids across intestinal mucosa to blood cells. Helps maintain hormonal balance. Supports myelin covering of nerves. Important during pregnancy. Very good for reducing PMS related problems. Also important during menopausal symptoms.
……And, can you believe there is more…..Just enjoy it !

Sunday, June 23, 2013

For me this is the best Outdoor Toys and Gear for Kids

Summer time and it's the best time to play outside with fun toys like this!

I bought this at Target and my daughter is been loving it and it is so much fun for easier to play with bubbles. It is easy to use and kids will have a blast!

A bubble blower!

cheap baby clothes

A New Twist On Hand-Me-Downs

Young Sprouts Clothing Co. is your online discount children's clothes store. We're here to help you save big while dressing up your baby and children. We offer a great selection of new and gently used discount baby and children's clothes, shoes and accessories. Whether you are in the market for high-end designer labels for less or simply looking to dress your kids at cheap prices, you have come to the right place.

All of the discount baby clothing are free from defects like holes, rips, tears, stains or any visible wear. If the items are not in new, like-new or very gently used condition, we do not sell them. All of our used kids clothes are laundered and arrive at your doorstep completely ready to wear. Please shop and buy with confidence with a 100% money-back guarantee.

In today's economy, smart, expectant parents know that shopping for used discount baby clothing is a huge savings every year.

At Young Sprouts Clothing Co., we subscribe to a more traditional person-to-person care for our customers. We also practice ecology to do less harm to Mother Earth by practicing thrift and doing more with less. It is our goal to provide outstanding customer service creating happy customers and the best word-of-mouth advertising. We're here to assist you so please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your shopping experience a good one. See more about us.